Sunday, September 20, 2009

Entry #8

Dear Diary,
Last night's banquet started off quite well. The morale started building up amongst the lords and servants. With that kind of atmosphere in the banquet,I could feel the spur in getting to enjoy great pleasure through out the dinner while being served by the servants and being invited to conversations by other lords and residents invited to the banquet.

Of course,when the guests were kept too long without being invited to give toastings,I had reminded Macbeth for he was maybe too busy entertaining other guests arrived as well as arriving that got him carried away.

I was beginning to feel a bit strange when after the toasting,Lennox had requested Macbeth to sit down,but he was doubting to sit as he started asking whether is there any other reserved place for him to seat. I sensed that he is behaving rather strangely. Something which everyone could see which was an empty seat appeared to be occupied in Macbeth's sight.

It was not until the situation reached its climax,I had managed to settle all the lords down and keep the situation calm and reassured them of what was happening. At this point in time,I used the opportunity in dragging Macbeth to one side and start asking him what could have possibly happened to him.

To my great disappointment,Macbeth had told me that he had gotten rid of Banquo for he said that Banquo's going to be a threat for him in becoming the rightful King. I got back to the table and reassured them that everthing was alright and the ceremony could begin. But not until approximately 10 minutes later..

Macbeth started admitting that he could see someone at the reserved seat. OH my GOODNESS! I couldn't believe Macbeth behaving in such a manner. This ceremony was put to a stop when Macbeth's condition grew worse and that the guests of the banquet has to be dimissed.

-Tonight's banquet which is a very prestiguous night for us was destroyed because of Macbeth! His reactions were totally unacceptable!

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