Thursday, September 17, 2009

Entry #5

Dear Diary,
Nevertheless did I knew that Macbeth,my own dearest husband could be easily guilt-stricken by whatever that has happened! This is totally unbelievable for a BRAVE man like him to behave in such a way. Ahh! Who's going to care him anyway? Well,I'm certainly NOT.

The only thing I know now is that Duncan has been killed which means that my 1st plan is successful! YES! I'm not sure what's going to happen next and what Macbeth,my dearest husband is going to do. But one thing's for sure,I'm confirmed the QUEEN of SCOTLAND!

I can now imagine how it is like living as the ruler's wife and that I have the priority and every rights in helping out my husband to help rule the country. And once I'm the Queen,every action I do,every step I take would definitely be well-respected. AWHH.. this is such a good sensational feeling!

Let's check how my life after being a Queen's like...

look at how nice it is like being a Queen!

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