Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Interview.

"Hail, king of scotland!" (Trumpets)

The new king macbeth.

Interviewer (I): So king macbeth i am interviewing you for "highland happenings" magazine.
I thank you in agreeing to help me with this interview.
Macbeth (M): Ahh, my pleasure !

I : Are you happy being a king?

M : yes! wherefore am thy not.

I : So what so you want to do as a king?

M : thy shall let scotland to be renown and grace.

I : What do you think of duncan's death?

M : prithee dont mention about that. prithee please.
It is too heart breaking to think about that horid incident !

I : What do you have to say about the death of your love, Lady Macbeth?

M : It was extremely hard to accept it but we all must move on in life and fret not, I am still King!

I : How does it feel like being King?

M : It is a feeling undescribable, where there is pride and more of it each day, the publicity and fame i get, is what i have always dreamed of and i shall fufill to the needs of being King and bring grace and good prosperity to Scotland forever ! May i succeed in everything that shalt happen!

I : Glad to hear that sir, but we have heard rumours that your army has been shrinking or most have quit being with you. What do you think is the reason to that and why ?

M : They are not convinced with what i have to offer them then fine! I live for myself and for being King! I will even take on as a solo, what do i fear ! May they all be soiled !

I : Yes sir, you have a point there, but do you think you can take on such a big role with no assistance at all?

M : You doubt the one and only King Macbeth! Well i will show you and the world that i can! i believe !

I : No sir, i never meant it in any way, it was a question sir.
Moving on, do you have anything to say about your bestfriend, Banquo ?

M : Well, it was really saddening that my bestfriend was murdered as well, but like i said, life has to move on! We cannot keep dwelling on the past. And he was a good friend i must say,
and a loyal one indeed. i will never forget him.

I : And what about his beloved son, Fleance?
M : Ahh, he is in safety of course. And he shall follow thee footsteps of his father, Banquo.
He shall be a very brave soldier too. May he be blessed!

I : You are too kind sir. Well, thats all the questions i have to ask my worthy lord.
I thank you once again for spending this time in this interview with me. May Scotland gain grace, properity and success through your steps !

M : Fret not ! You are too humble.

I : Peace be with you sir.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Daily Scotsman

News have been spread around that King Duncan,the ruler of Scotland was found dead in Macbeth's castle in the morning by Macduff. Truth is,evidence was found on one of the servants' hands-a bloodstained dagger. It was believed to have been used to kill Duncan and closest suspect would be the servants.

But,strangely,right after the news was being spread around,residents of Scotland have been told that Duncan's sons;Malcolm and Donalbain have fled to somewhere else in order to avoid the "Suspicion of Murder".

Even if the evidence was found on the servants,Macduff told us that "They were counterfeit. Malcolm and Donalbain, the king's two sons, Are stolen away and fled; which puts them under Suspicion of murder".

This is really hard to believe as they’re own father has been found dead but all they care about is their lives? Macbeth was in complete disappointment, the workers noticed , at his castle. But soon knew they had to move on. Lady Macbeth had fainted after knowing that Duncan was dead.

However.. Macduff seems to be doubtful of the 2 servants as well as Duncan's sons whom were suspected of killing Duncan. Could it be a possible way that Duncan's sons have sent these servants to kill their father so as to inherit their father's property? We have yet to discover and reveal more. - Miss Amira

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Entry #10

Dear Diary,
This is going to be prolly my last time writing anything to you. And I shall keep it short,sweet and simple.

"I've been going through alot of challenges and facing a lot of stress for the past several days in which I think is really not acceptable and I myself could not manage it myself especially when I've no support from my own dearest husband!-Macbeth

I guess he has been so busy to even think about me anymore. I've been kept alone,and having no one to confide to,I feel so helpless and useless in this world anymore. Being the Queen is afterall not a big deal.. Feeling like this,I've made a decision to commit suicide. And I doubt no one would ever find this out to read it. Even if so,I'll be DEAD by then and I'll be sent to HELL."

I only have this letter to be given to Macbeth after my death if this was to be found...

Take care and goodbye diary...
Lady Macbeth

Monday, September 21, 2009

Entry #9

Dear Diary,
Could you believe it? I was being visited by a private family doctor of ours just now in the morning. AHHH,thanks to Macbeth I guess? Or no,wait,I think it has got to do with myself. Right? I don't know what has been happening to me lately..

From what I heard from the doctor and the gentlewoman that came to visit me,they "have seen me rise from my bed, throw my nightgown upon myself, unlock my closet, take out a paper, fold it, write upon it, read it,afterwards seal it, and again return to bed. But all this,I did it while I was fast asleep"

This is so strange! Why on earth would I feel this way? Ughh. Or is it because of the destruction of nature? Or because of the ... the nightmare which I am having due to the planning of Duncan's murder? BUT I DIDNT KILL HIM! It was Macbeth who did it! I was only planning on what to be done! THAT'S ALL!!! I NEVER DID ANYTHINGS OF THAT SORT! NO WAY!

I still hear from the rest of the servants that they have seen me trying to rub my hands off while sleepwalking in the midst of the night. And i started saying that "a little water could wash this bloodstain away" so many times while RUBBING MY HAND. and why would i want to do so? for goodness sake! this is totally crazy of me! UGHH!

"Here's the smell of the blood still. All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand," I actually said this myself! Could you believe it? No way! In what sense have i gotten bloodstains? I didn't do any KILLING!

and "what's done cannot be undone" (?!) what on earth have i done? i didn't do anything blood. I've never been such a bad woman before and I wouldn't want to and NOT EVER! and i better go to sleep for now I'm getting the effects after the high-dosage of pills the DOCTOR! have given me. goodnight...

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Entry #8

Dear Diary,
Last night's banquet started off quite well. The morale started building up amongst the lords and servants. With that kind of atmosphere in the banquet,I could feel the spur in getting to enjoy great pleasure through out the dinner while being served by the servants and being invited to conversations by other lords and residents invited to the banquet.

Of course,when the guests were kept too long without being invited to give toastings,I had reminded Macbeth for he was maybe too busy entertaining other guests arrived as well as arriving that got him carried away.

I was beginning to feel a bit strange when after the toasting,Lennox had requested Macbeth to sit down,but he was doubting to sit as he started asking whether is there any other reserved place for him to seat. I sensed that he is behaving rather strangely. Something which everyone could see which was an empty seat appeared to be occupied in Macbeth's sight.

It was not until the situation reached its climax,I had managed to settle all the lords down and keep the situation calm and reassured them of what was happening. At this point in time,I used the opportunity in dragging Macbeth to one side and start asking him what could have possibly happened to him.

To my great disappointment,Macbeth had told me that he had gotten rid of Banquo for he said that Banquo's going to be a threat for him in becoming the rightful King. I got back to the table and reassured them that everthing was alright and the ceremony could begin. But not until approximately 10 minutes later..

Macbeth started admitting that he could see someone at the reserved seat. OH my GOODNESS! I couldn't believe Macbeth behaving in such a manner. This ceremony was put to a stop when Macbeth's condition grew worse and that the guests of the banquet has to be dimissed.

-Tonight's banquet which is a very prestiguous night for us was destroyed because of Macbeth! His reactions were totally unacceptable!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Entry #7

Dear Diary,

OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS! I'm seriously having a big problem!! Tonight's going to be a very prestiguous night and (our-me&Macbeth's) I've yet to get myself a beautiful dress and get myself makeover to make myself look pleasant as well as elegant on that night itself.
ARGHH!!!diary,better tell me what dress i should wear tonight? or should i just consult Macbeth? oh well,he's not that particular in fact he is not familiar with all these stuffs! HAHA! hmm.. well,i might as well list it down here and then figure out which is the most suitable one :)

and I'm going to match the dress I'm wearing with this peep toe heels! ;)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Entry #6

Dear Diary,
Now that everyone in Scotland is aware of the news that King Duncan is dead,and that everyone agrees to pronounce Macbeth to be the rightful King of Scotland which I think he really deserves the title for he has been a responsible resident of Scotland.

This is unlikely for the late King's sons; Malcolm and Donalbain who are now Missing-In-Action from everyone as they are trying to run away from being blamed with the fact that they are now "Suspicions of Murder" after Duncan's death.

Let's push away all these irrelevant thoughts. This is really getting so exciting! I could feel the spark now. The feeling is just so irresistable and of course.. ahh! I'm speechless! I guess the only thing that could express my feelings would be the colour PINK. I think it represents excitement and thrilling just like what exactly I'm experiencing right now! :D

Tonight,Macbeth's going to hold a banquet at the palace to officially be pronounced and witnessed by the Thanes and lords as well as servants that he's going to be the King of Scotland and would vow to te residents of Scotland that he'd carry out a good job in ruling Scotland.

I can't wait for the night to arrive! In the luxurious room in the palace,there we will have our banquet. OHH! This is just so nice of a feeling! :) and there on the dinner itself,everyone would pay their respects to me and Macbeth :D and I really hope that everything would turn out like what it is supposed to be. YEEES!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Entry #5

Dear Diary,
Nevertheless did I knew that Macbeth,my own dearest husband could be easily guilt-stricken by whatever that has happened! This is totally unbelievable for a BRAVE man like him to behave in such a way. Ahh! Who's going to care him anyway? Well,I'm certainly NOT.

The only thing I know now is that Duncan has been killed which means that my 1st plan is successful! YES! I'm not sure what's going to happen next and what Macbeth,my dearest husband is going to do. But one thing's for sure,I'm confirmed the QUEEN of SCOTLAND!

I can now imagine how it is like living as the ruler's wife and that I have the priority and every rights in helping out my husband to help rule the country. And once I'm the Queen,every action I do,every step I take would definitely be well-respected. AWHH.. this is such a good sensational feeling!

Let's check how my life after being a Queen's like...

look at how nice it is like being a Queen!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Entry #4

Dear Diary,
We heard a loud series of continous knocking, it turns out to be the porter. He wants to see the king which is a good chance to let them find out about the death of DUNCAN! Macduff went to call Duncan and that is when he found out that the king is dead. Since i have planted the dagger that my husband have used to murder the king on one of the hand of the attendants sleeping in the same room. Of course, they immediately suspected that it was them that killed their BELOVED king.

Poor Duncan. His 'useless sons' is just of no use. After their father died, they just live in fear of their own safety and not even concerned about their father's death. They even decide to flee away from this place for their own safety, rather scared of being killed.

To Duncan:
I am sorry for killing you. I have to persuade Macbeth to kill you was all because i wants my husband to be a king and everybody will treat him the way he should be respected. Please do not blame us. This is solely just for the country's good. I hope that your spirit will Rest In Peace. Amen.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Entry #3

Dear Diary,
After my much thought plans to get DUNCAN killed, Macbeth followed my orders and went to do IT, he said that he saw a dagger which most probably must be his own imagination. But best of all, DUNCAN is finally died!!!!!!!!!

After killing him, we decided to push all the blame to his two other soldiers who is coincidentally sleeping in the same room as the king, which i do it myself as my COWARDLY husband is just too scared after the shock of killing the most important person in the world.

Just after we had done everything, a knocking could be heard. I asked my husband to go back to sleep and i told him " A little water clears us of this deed" to make him to show him it is that easy as it sounds like. I shall now go back to sleep, unless the people realise that we have been awake this night and become suspicious.

Lady Macbeth

Monday, September 14, 2009

Entry #2

Dear Diary,
After so much of thinking and plannings towards achieving my aim,I've decided to tell it to Macbeth and I truly did. Of course,I had so much difficulty in persuading him to kill Duncan in order for him to become the King of Scotland,just like what the three weird 'sisters' had predicted.

In making sure that Macbeth's going to do follow whatever my instructions were,I threatened him in every way I could. I tried bringing him down by saying that he's not truly a man if he don't dare to murder Duncan. Following on that,I was glad and relieved when he had decided to kill Duncan thus overcoming his fear!

And so,that night when Duncan stayed over at our palace,I had secretly talked to Macbeth about my plans which I've already sort them right in the beginning,beforehand. (How smart ain't I? HA-HA-HA!) And down here are all my plans towards getting DUNCAN killed.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Entry #1

Dear Diary ,
I'm in an undescribable state of happiness and glee after reading a letter that my husband had sent to me. Adding to that,his letter has lots of
good news! Firstly,of course,I'm really relieved to know that he is safe from the long battle he had.

He told me that he had met 3 strange weird 'sisters' who addressed him as 'Thane of Cawdor'' upon seeing him and then one of them said "Hail, king that shalt be!" and started hailing Macbeth.
Like what he said, they seem to have more than mortal knowledge in them, and from whatever they predict was bound to happen.

Now i'm starting to think so much about how it would be like after my husband becomes the King of Scotland and I will surely be Queen of Scotland! And i find it unnecessary to keep delaying this matter. I shall start thinking of what i should do with this and then i could start negotiating with Macbeth!

"Oh my dearest love,please come back as soon as you can from the battle! I really miss you so much! "

Lady Macbeth